New Waltograph Font

30,000+ Best Fonts Download
NEW! The new Waltograph UI font!
For those of you who are fans of Disney, I decided (a year ago) that I’d create a new version of the Waltograph font. Its name is “New Walt Disney Font”. It’s based off of the new version of the animated Walt Disney Pictures logo. I’d call this font the Walt Disney Pictures logo font.
This font is most popular and often downloadable for you and your friends.
I recommend you try out this font better than the old one. (Waltograph)
It’s way better than Waltograph, because in 2006, somebody of The Disney Company redrew the WaltDisney script.
Look at that! 258,800+ downloads! 10,50+ favorites! 25+ votes!
You guys are incredibly amazing! You’re helping me make this font look more popular and popular!
I bet everyone is going to use this font in their videos.
New Waltograph Font Free
License: Free for Commercial Use!
Font Type: TTF / OTF
Stock: Unlimited
Format: .Zip
Total Files: 1
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