Laire Sans Font

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Laire Sans Font that we created at the end of 2021, we made visual communication more Friendly, bold with a geometric touch in our sans category called Laire, has a good level of legibility when applied as body text because we really consider the optical in each letter.
Laire Sans has 40 Styles of Normal, Condensed, Oblique fonts with Weight from thin to extra Black, has a total of 693 glyps, Cyrillic is also available to meet the needs of several languages.
Designed with Opentype features to help make using fonts easier. We also include variable fonts to make it easier for users to set their own according to their desired needs.
You can use this font for PERSONAL PURPOSE. Link to purchase full version and commercial license : HERE
Laire Sans Serif Font
License: Free for Personal Use!
Font Type: OTF
Stock: Unlimited
Format: .Zip
Total Files: 1
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