Gravity Signature Font

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A perfect signature style font, it is completely manual, so it is the most authentic. If you are looking for a handwriting like that then it’s here! Introducing Gravity Font. Gravity is an created by Din Studio.
Gravity – a luxury handwritten and signature font . With four font variants you can create signatures and handwriting that you like. The Gravity font has two stylishtic set features. one used for handwritten and one for signature .
Gravity font built with uppercase, lowercase, numeral, punctuation , many ligatures, swashes and also support international character . This font is perfect for creating branding projects, signatures, quotes and wings.
Thanks very much to Din Studio. Gravity Font is free for personal use, This is a demo font. If you need the ligatures, please visit the full version here
Gravity Signature Font Free
License: Free for Personal Use!
Font Type: TTF / OTF
Stock: Unlimited
Format: .Zip
Total Files: 1
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