Gilam Font

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The following is a type family of 18 fonts, it will make you happy. Introducing Gilam! It is designed and shared by Fontfabric. Gilam is a sans serif font with semi-condensed proportion.
The typeface was based on the famous DIN but it combines its popular neo-grotesque look with characteristics such the pointed edges in the “W” and “M” and the outward cut terminals which gives a distinctive look to the modern geometric typeface.
The complete set of 9 weights plus italics give the designers complete freedom to create. Perfect layouts with blocks of text, headlines, motion graphics, logos, apps, and websites are just part of the intended usage of the versatile typeface.
Thanks to Fontfabric, Gilam Font free for personal use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts. For full version and commercial purposes, please visit:
Gilam Font Family Free
License: Free for Personal Use!
Font Type: TTF / OTF
Stock: Unlimited
Format: .Zip
Total Files: 1
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