Consistance Bold Signature Script Font
Consistance is a stylish modern and natural handwritten script font with casual bold signature script type. It is perfect for branding, wedding invites and cards, and maybe for red wine label.
Consistance includes full set of gorgeous uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, a large range of punctuation and ligatures.
In order to use the beautiful ligatures, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Indesign and Corel Draw. but if your software doesn’t have Glyphs panel, you can install additional swashes font files.
This font is free for PERSONAL USE.
Link to purchase full version and commercial license: FULL VERSION COMMERCIAL
Consistance Bold Signature Script
License: Personal Use Only!
Font Type: Free
Format: OTF, TTF
Total Files: 1
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