Everleigh Handwritten Signature Script Font

Everleigh Signature Script is a handwritten font with a signature style and bouncing character. It comes in with alternate characters (Open Type feature). Everleigh can be used for various types of design needs such as branding materials, t-shirt, social media templates, business cards, logos, promotional flyers, posters, and more.
Everleigh includes a full set of gorgeous uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, a large range of punctuation, and 126 ligatures to giving a realistic hand-lettered style. With multilingual support, this font also suitable to be combined with san-serif to get an extraordinary result for your design projects.
This font is free for PERSONAL USE. Link to purchase full version and commercial license: HERE
Everleigh Handwritten Signature Script Font
License: Personal Use Only!
Font Type: Free
Format: TTF
Total Files: 1
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